Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Draw and Pass

Dear Drama Diary,

How have you been?  I’ve had another busy week of classes.  Language and math have been hard, but drama is still awesome!

I learned a new strategy this week.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it.  It’s called draw and pass.  Each person in my class got a blank piece of paper and some pencil crayons.  We were then asked to draw a picture of an inclusive scenario that represented a positive peer relationship.  I drew a group of people holding hands.  I know… not very original, but hey, we only had two minutes.  When the two minutes was up, we passed our drawing to the person on our right.  Then they got to ADD something to make the picture even more representative of a positive peer relationship.  We passed our papers three times.  It was so nice to see my classmates’ drawings.  They were wonderful and definitely promoted an inclusive environment.  But wait… I’m not done yet.  It got even better!  At the end, we put all of the drawings up on the board TOGETHER!  They made a beautiful quilt.  I even have a picture of it to show you. 

The idea of draw and pass is for each student to create an original work depicting their thoughts and/or feelings about a topic.  Then, students make connections with their peers by adding to each other’s drawings.  Finally, the drawings are used in collaboration with one another to construct a larger creation.  Isn’t that an amazing idea?  Everyone LOVED it!

You know what, Diary?  I noticed something.  This strategy also created a cross-curricular connection.  Remember last week when we combined language and drama?  This time it was visual arts and drama.  I didn’t even know you could do that!  I was thinking that it would be really cool to use a similar strategy in other subject areas, specifically language and math.  In language, students could write a sentence on a piece of paper and pass it to their neighbour.  Their neighbour could then add another sentence or more details.  By the time the paper has been passed around, the class could have a great story.  Similarly, in math, students could write a multistep equation on their paper and pass it around to be solved as a team.  Wouldn’t that be neat?

I’m feeling very tired after so many classes.  It was great to talk to you again. 

Goodnight Drama Diary,

See you soon,


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